About me:
Where to start, where to start? I suppose with hi and thank you for choosing to read this blog among the sea of blogs out there.
Talking about myself always feels slightly artificial. You know like when you're asked to stand up and introduce yourself as the new kid in class? But I guess I was a new kid for a long time.
I grew up in Europe and have moved around a whopping 17 times in 15 years. I was born and raised in Romania, moved to Germany for a few years, and currently reside in the States with my husband and 2 children.
My journey to starting this blog is similar to many others'. I arrived at a mostly paleo way of eating not because I felt like it or thought it was the cool thing to do but out of necessity, pain, and struggle.
Years of gut health issues culminated with depression and anxiety have led me here. I've always wondered which one came first, the mental part or the gut part? So this is what I'm after. Finding a calmer way to live, understanding the bodies and minds we are born with, and making them work for us in the best possible way through nutrition and education.
Figuring out how to live a "good" life that's pain-free in today's insanely harried and demanding world is not easy. We are bombarded by commercials and artificial foods on a daily basis. But it is possible to be intentional and look through the veil of deception that's been created by our modern food system.
My goal is to provide real food recipes for people who don't have loads of time but want to make attainable and lasting health changes. I also delve into informative articles that focus on everything from gut health to mental health and beyond.
I've found a way of life that works for me that's eliminated my pain and given me a sense of purpose again. Along the way, I've also discovered a love of photography for food and nature. You can check out my gallery here.
I hope you'll join me on this journey of growth!
- Daniela
Want to work together? Send me a message and I'd be happy to send my media kit.
P.S. Want to know more?
Here’s a meet the blogger 40 Q&A.