Drinking lemon water improves digestion, the texture of your skin, and gives you a boost of antioxidants. These are just some of the benefits of drinking lemon water daily.

Before breakfast, before coffee, comes warm lemon water. Upon stumbling down the stairs, half asleep, the first thing I do is put a kettle of water on the stove and squeeze half of a lemon into a 16 oz glass and drink a warm glass of lemon water.
I've been drinking warm lemon water on an empty stomach every morning for the past decade. I will even pack lemons with me wherever I go if I can't easily access them. Yes, this habit is deeply ingrained and my every day ritual. I can forgo a lot of things but this one is a must. It doesn't require much effort and starting the day with a tall glass of lemon water is be a good way to jump start your system for the day.
People often view establishing new habits to be somehow elusive and difficult to attain but this one is pretty simple and requires about 4 minutes of your time. Try it for just one week and see what happens. After all, I can tell you about the benefits but the real benefits come once you experience them for yourself.

Lemon water benefits
Lemon water contains antioxidants that prevent cell oxidation that causes free radicals. The Flavonoids found in lemons have been shown to have antibiotic properties as well as help support circulation and insulin sensitivity.
Vitamin C
Our body doesn't produce vitamin C, so it's something we have to obtain from food on a daily basis. Since vitamin C is an antioxidant, it protects cells from oxidative stress. "Thus, emerging evidence indicates that even marginal vitamin C deficiency may impair normal perinatal neurogenesis, affect fetal programming of adult disease risk, and increase the risk of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality."
As my husband likes to point out, I'm obsessed with talking about poop. Well, not quite but let's see - how happy are you when you're not going to the bathroom properly? I'll take a stab at it and say you're probably pretty miserable. Simply starting your day with a glass of warm lemon water, is Drano for your insides. Don't take my word for it, try it for yourself.
Weight loss
No, drinking lemon water won't miraculously shave off pounds. But it does slightly boost your metabolism and start your day with a huge glass of warm lemon water, which may prevent you from overeating.
Improved skin health
Most of us generally sleep between 6-8 hours a night. Most of us also sleep through the night without waking (if you’re lucky). During that time our bodies are slightly dehydrated and this also affects our skin. Drinking warm lemon water upon rising will hydrate the skin and provide it with a dose of vitamin C, which promotes a youthful glow. Scientists uncovered that antioxidants actually help to protect collagen breakdown.
Improved mood
Lemon has energizing properties and instantly elevates mood. Just think what happens when you smell a fresh cut lemon. Instantly your brain cells start to do a little dance.
Helps with acid reflux
Lemon juice helps to neutralize stomach acid. Drinking lemon water 20 minutes before a meal can prevent unwanted acid reflux so many experience.
Making lemon water
Making lemon water is very simple. Here's what you need:
- Juice from ½ lemon
- 16 oz warm water
- optional: a few slices of fresh ginger

I like to also make this during the day whenever possible and keep it on hand. I carry it with me in my trusted insulated bottle wherever I go.
Lemon water is truly one of the best habits to add to your day and it requires only a few minutes. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised once you try it for yourself!
linda spiker
Great post! I drink it every morning on the advice of my doctor after having kidney stones.
Daniela Modesto
That's excellent and what good advice! A simple habit that has lasting change 🙂
Can i use lemon essential oil instead of store bought lemons?
Hi Rebecca,
Hmmmm, typically I only use freshly squeezed lemon as essential oil will have a different function. Also, unless it's an essential oil that's safe for ingestion, I don't typically use essential oil internally. I recommend sticking to fresh lemon 🙂
Has drinking lemon water daily for this long impacted your dental health? I know a friend who did this and it compromised the enamel in her teeth?
Not at all! I've been drinking lemon water for over 15 years. I can't imagine starting my day without it!